- - - - - - - - - -
Here is the code to put in a .psqlrc file which should be created in your HOME directory:
--%M = database server
--%/ = database name
--%n = database user
--%> = port number
\echo '\n\033[33;1m-> Prompt is DBServer(LocalHost).DBName.DBServer.PortNumber [Local OS Timestamp]\033[0m\n'
\set PROMPT1 '\033[33;1m%M(from '`hostname`').%/.%n.%> [%`date`]\033[0m\n> '
\set PROMPT2 '> '
- - - - - - - - - -
You can change the colors by changing the [33 string to another number in the ASCII foreground list:
- black 30
- red 31
- green 32
- yellow 33
- blue 34
- magenta 35
- cyan 36
- white 37
- - - - - - - - - -
If you have scripts that call psql and you don't want this extra text showing up in the output, just add the -X option to the psql call to not use a .psqlrc file.
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